15 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #51)

Acts (Program #51) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (17)

We’re going to hear reference in the program today to a mixture that was present in the Church in Jerusalem. Even a mixture to some degree in the Word of the Apostle James. We want to be clear we’re not condemning or criticizing the Word of God, but simply looking at how the divine record, the Holy Word, has presented the condition that existed at that time. What is this mixture regarding and what kind of influence did it have on the early Church, particularly in Jerusalem?

This mixture is really a mixture of God’s New Testament economy with the Old Testament dispensation. It’s a mixture of Christ with things that are out of date. Many things in the Old Testament, in fact the entire Old Testament, with all the types, the figures, the shadows, and the prophecies – all pointed us to Christ…

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