09 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #34)

Psalms (Program #34) – God’s Recovery of His Title and Right Over the Whole Earth Through the Reign of Christ

Often times when we are visiting a new country or a region we are not familiar with, our appreciation of that place will depend on the guide that is showing us around.  Without a knowledgeable and experienced guide we likely will not perceive much of the hidden beauty nor appreciate the richness of all that we are seeing.  Actually this could also describe our understanding of the Scriptures.   Of course, we need to read and read again and re-read again in a prayerful way, the Bible to allow the Lord to reveal His Word to us.  But in addition to our personal reading, we need a guide.  Just as the Ethiopian eunuch did in Acts chapter 8, “And the Spirit said to Philip” beginning in verse 29, “Approach and join this chariot. And when Philip ran up, he heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said, Do you really know the things that you are reading? And he said, How could I unless someone guides me? And he entreated Philip to come up and sit with him.”  “And Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he announced Jesus as the gospel to him.”

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