Blog Archives

21 Jul 2022 Esther (Program #1)

Esther (Program #1) – An Introductory Word

In the Old Testament, Esther is a sweet book covering the essential subject of the secret care and the open salvation of the hiding God in Israel’s captivity. God is omnipresent and also omnipotent yet He is hiding. Nobody knows where He is. Don’t miss out on this sweet and wonderful picture in Esther of God’s care for His people in captivity.

17 Jul 2022 Nehemiah (Program #2)

Nehemiah (Program #2) – An Introductory Word and the Rebuilding of the Wall of the City of Jerusalem under Nehemiah

Ezra and Nehemiah are unique Old Testament books that give us the story of the Lord’s recovery. These two recovery books of the Bible gives detail about the recovery of God’s people back to Jerusalem from their seventy year captivity in Babylon. Stay with us as we apply the principles from this Old Testament picture to our situation in the Lord’s recovery today.

15 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #4)

Ezra (Program #4) – The Need for Ezras—Those Skilled in the Word of God

Ezra and Nehemiah are the recovery books of the Bible. That’s because they talk about the recovery of Israel, God’s people, in the Old Testament back to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon. Today we are going to see the crucial need in this recovery for Ezra and many that would follow his pattern today.

14 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #3)

Ezra (Program #3) – The Return of the Captivity under the Priestly Leadership of Ezra

Deep within every Christian, there is a desire to be free from any kind of captivity of the enemy, Satan. If you agree with that, then you would want to stay with us right here for the next half hour as we discuss the return of the captivity under the priestly leadership of Ezra.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Old Testament, we call these books the recovery books because according to the history that is presented in the Old Testament before Ezra at end of the books of Chronicles, God’s people Israel had been carried away from the land of Israel into the land of Babylon – so they were there in their captivity. And then a certain time God came in to bring a remnant, a small number not all of them but a small number back to the land of Israel, the good land that He had given to their forefathers. So these we call the recovery and these books we call the recovery books.

13 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #2)

Ezra (Program #2) – The Return of the Captivity under the Kingly Leadership of Jerubbabel

What is the Lord’s recovery? A picture is worth a thousand words and God has given us a wonderful picture of His recovery in the Old Testament. Stay with us today for a wonderful life study program on the four crucial points of the return of Israel from their captivity.

12 Jul 2022 Ezra (Program #1)

Ezra (Program #1) – The Need of a Return from Captivity

The history of the children of Israel in the Old Testament gives us a picture of the church today in the New Testament.  And today what we want to look at is the picture of the children of Israel going into captivity and the recovery out of that captivity.  Today when God’s people are defeated in their spiritual life they remain in captivity until they repent and have a turn back to Him.  This repentance brings us back to the enjoyment of Christ.

30 Jun 2022 1 & 2 Kings (Program #19)

1 & 2 Kings (Program #19) – The Reign of Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, & Zedekiah over Judah and the Governing of Gedallia

In the final chapters of 2 Kings, the Lord was ultimately forced to give up His people Israel because of their continual degradation and the hardness of their hearts.  Even when He allowed the Syrians to conquer the northern kingdom of Israel and carried them away into captivity those in the southern kingdom of Judah refused to heed this warning and continue in their evil ways.  Eventually the great king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem, destroyed the temple and the walls of the city and took the king Zedekiah to Babylon.  Soon the entire nation of Israel was taken in captivity.  But through the following several hundred years though the nation of Israel was never again fully restored, Jehovah maintained a linage of the descendant of King David until ultimately Christ, the promised seed of David could be brought forth in Israel.  This maintained God’s original intention and made possible both our redemption and our regeneration.
