Archive for ◊ July, 2023 ◊

31 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #36)

Acts (Program #36) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (2)

The Apostle Paul was the vessel chosen by God to carry the New Testament ministry to the non-Jewish world.  He was also ultimately used to pen more than half of the books in the New Testament; from his personal encounter with the resurrected Christ to his full realization of the meaning of the term “Body of Christ”, his life and ministry stand as a great inspiration and example to believers throughout all ages.  We look at the beginning of his ministry on today’s life study of the Bible.

31 Jul 2023 Exodus (Program #4)

Exodus (Program #4) – The Life Useful to God

We all know that Moses was a great man used mightily by God for the accomplishment of His purpose.  Have you ever noticed though that God did not use him until he was well beyond the peak of his natural strength and ability.  In the New Testament, the apostle Peter was also greatly used by the Lord, but not until after the Lord had subdue his natural strength and severely dealt with him and restricted him.  What can we learn from the experience of these spiritual men as it relates to our life before Christ.

We are going to have another surprising message for our listeners today.  We are going to look at the characteristic or trait that most equips or qualifies a person to be useful to God in the accomplishment of His purpose.

30 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #35)

Acts (Program #35) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (1)

There are many stages throughout history in God’s move and work among mankind on the earth. Much of the Bible is occupied with these stages.  The great turn of the Lord’s spread during the book of Acts was to the Gentile world, opening a door to eternal life and the Kingdom of the Heavens to all who would take freely the eternal life of God in Christ Jesus. We’re still enjoying this turn today nearly 2000 years later. For this major step in God’s move, the Apostle Paul was raised up sovereignly by the Lord to be the Apostle to the uncircumcision. And, Peter’s ministry was brought to a wonderful and victorious conclusion. We examine both of these stories on today’s life study of the Bible.

30 Jul 2023 Exodus (Program #3)

Exodus (Program #3) – Preparation of the Slave Savior

Surely Moses is a great man of God used by Him for His purpose.  But chapter 2 of Exodus, the story of Moses from his birth until he is finally prepared by God for His use, is a story where women, females play nearly all of the major parts.  Is this just idle curiosity or is there a valuable message for us to be seen from these details?

We saw at the end of our broadcast yesterday that God uses the female life very significantly in the accomplishment of HIs purpose.  This may be a little hard to grasp but concepted may be is a little obscure when you first hear it

29 Jul 2023 Exodus (Program #2)

Exodus (Program #2) – Israel Under Slavery

Exodus, the second book in the Bible begins with God’s people in a pitiful condition.  Enslaved by the evil Pharaoh and daily being killed under the tyranny of his heavy hand.  Exodus is the story of how God release His people from this bondage and it has a glorious conclusion.  The worldly people today are in a condition much like the children of Israel in Exodus.  The parallels are striking in this graphic Old Testament book of pictures.

When we come to this book, we often refer to it as a “picture book”.  We spoke a little about this in our program yesterday.  What do we mean when we say Exodus is a book of pictures?

29 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #34)

Acts (Program #34) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (26)

One of the most prominent figures in the New Testament, of course, is the Apostle Peter. Called by the Lord at the beginning of His earthly ministry, Peter, despite failures and setbacks, became the one to whom the Lord gave the two great keys to the Kingdom of the Heavens. In the waning days of his preeminent position in the ministry, he is honored by the divine record with a marvelous and inspiring account in Acts 12.

28 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #33)

Acts (Program #33) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (25)

After a glorious beginning, the church in Jerusalem underwent a sudden turn and persecution fell heavily upon the church. The trouble and persecution became so heavy in fact that nearly all the believers except the apostles were forced to leave and were scattered, to use the Bible’s own phrase. Was this just God’s enemy reacting to the early success of the gospel or was this a genuine move of God under His sovereign hand?  Stay with us for an enlightening and compelling look at the gospel as it was spread in the first-century church on today’s life study of the Bible.

28 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #134)

Genesis (Program #134) – The Reigning Aspect of the Matured Israel (8)

We come today to our final regular program of the life study of Genesis.  We have one final look at Joseph as a full type of Christ.  We’ve said that often before.  But really what do we mean by that comparison?

27 Jul 2023 Acts (Program #32)

Acts (Program #32) – The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (24)

As Christians today, we likely take it for granted that anyone, despite their background or race, can freely take the salvation afforded by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. But, it wasn’t always that way. The opening of the door of the gospel to the Gentiles or non-Jewish world was a significant and difficult transition in God’s move on the earth. We will consider this key turning point in God’s move on today’s life study of the Bible.

27 Jul 2023 Genesis (Program #133)

Genesis (Program #133) – The Reigning Aspect of the Matured Israel (7)

This is our next to the last program from Genesis and soon we will be going on to the book of Romans and we certainly look forward to that.

…this particular exposition of the book of Genesis is really a spiritual classic.  We called it a life study; it’s a study in a particular sense in that we want to see how God in Christ as the spirit wants to be our life and our everything.  Especially we just like to review for our listeners, we’ve see these 9 great men in the book of Genesis – we have seen a complete picture of the believers’ experience of Christ as life for God’s eternal purpose…
