Archive for ◊ November, 2022 ◊

30 Nov 2022 Jeremiah (Program #7)

Jeremiah (Program #7) – Jeremiah’s Call and Commission

The Bible tells us that on earth there is always a battle raging between God and all those who oppose Him and fight against Him and His purpose. But God does not fight directly against such ones. His way of fighting is always in the principle of incarnation, involving His people, specifically those who are absolutely one with Him. Such was the case in the Old Testament with the prophet Jeremiah. In the degrading and shameful condition His people Israel were in, God called and sanctified the prophet while he was still in his mother’s womb. Listen to Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; And before you came forth from the womb, I sanctified you. I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

30 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #44)

Matthew (Program #44) – The Pathway to Glory (2)

After experiencing rejection on every front, the Lord Jesus withdrew into a desert and a large crowd was still willing to follow Him in this rejection and they gathered with Him in the desert.  This is the scene where a well-known miracle took place.   A miracle that exposes both man’s shortage and the Savior’s full supply.

We have the well-known story of the Lord Jesus feeding the assembled crowd of thousands with just a few loaves and fish…

29 Nov 2022 Jeremiah (Program #6)

Jeremiah (Program #6) – God’s Faithfulness in Fulfilling His Economy

Though the Bible was written by many hundreds of years and written by scores of different authors, there are several consistent theme that run through from the beginning to the end. The most significant of which maybe seeing God as a flowing fountain or a river. This picture, the flowing fountain, the river of life, really reveals God in His divine economy in a marvelous way. And we see it quite profoundly in the book of Jeremiah.

29 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #43)

Matthew (Program #43) – The Pathway to Glory (1)

The gospel of Matthew presents the kingly Christ unveiling the mysteries of the kingdom in the way of parables.  But it also presents the rejection that this king suffered at the hands of religious and political establishments.  After revealing what the kingdom of the heaven is and is not, the Lord also shows us the way or path required if we are to fully participate in His kingdom.  And that path includes complete and utter rejection.

28 Nov 2022 Jeremiah (Program #5)

Jeremiah (Program #5) – The Intrinsic Content of Jeremiah

In Hebrews, the New Testament book, the apostle Paul who is the likely writer of Hebrews quotes the prophet Jeremiah. Listen to Hebrews 8:10-11 “For this is the covenant which I will covenant with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will impart My laws into their mind, and on their hearts I will inscribe them; and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to Me.” This marvelous prophecy from the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah revealing the coming new covenant impressed the apostle enough to include it in the New Testament. But this is certainly not the pointer in this Old Testament book to what God in His divine economy has in store for His elect.

28 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #42)

Matthew (Program #42) – The Treasure and the Pearl

6 parables that unlock the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens are presented by the Lord Jesus Himself in Matthew 13.  Four of these parables depict the visible, outward appearance of God’s kingdom today.  But the last two are much more hidden even difficult to see.  But it is these two that we should focus on most closely because these two are parables of God’s overcoming believers, a treasure hidden in the field, a pearl of immense value.

27 Nov 2022 Jeremiah (Program #4)

Jeremiah (Program #4) – The Intrinsic Content of Jeremiah

For all of the notable differences between the covenant of law that characterizes the Old Testament and the new covenant of grace in the New Testament, it is the consistency of the whole of the divine revelation that is most striking. Because all the elements of the New Testament are visible in seed form in the Old. Some of the most profound and significant of these seeds are found in the prophet Jeremiah. One very good example is 2:13 “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, To hew out for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, which hold no water.” This same thought and even some of its language can be seen throughout the New Testament gospel of John and in the Epistles of Paul. The seeds planted in the Old Testament are developed in the New and consummate in the ultimate expression of God in His divine economy, the New Jerusalem.

27 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #41)

Matthew (Program #41) – The Establishment of the King’s Rejection (9)

To outward observation, the kingdom of God today appears as a great an imposing tree.  It also appears as a field with both wheat and tares sown together.   And further, it is as a loaf composed of fine flour but leavened to make it light and airy.  This picture of how God’s kingdom would appear in the future was presented by Christ Himself in Matthew chapter 13.

Today we have not just this prophesy or the doctrine of this kingdom, but we have the practical fulfillment of this word, easily seen before our eyes.  But the question we have to consider is does this practical appearance of the kingdom also match what God’s word reveals of His desire for the kingdom?   We continue to explore this meaningful question for all of God’s people…

26 Nov 2022 Jeremiah (Program #3)

Jeremiah (Program #3) – Crucial Aspects of the Divine Revelation in Jeremiah

The Lord Jesus in the gospel of John chapter 5 speaking to the religionists of His day told them, “You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that testify concerning Me. Yet you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” (John 5:39-40) Well, the clear message in this strong word to them and to us is that the whole Bible – both Old and New Testament – reveal Christ and should bring us to the very Christ it reveals every time we touch it. How crucial it is for us to keep such a view in mind whenever we come to the word of God especially in the Old Testament book such as Jeremiah.

26 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #40)

Matthew (Program #40) – The Establishment of the King’s Rejection (8)

What is the kingdom of God like?  Well, the Lord Jesus in Matthew 13 revealed that the kingdom is like a tender delicious herb, and like bread made from fine flour.  Both of these are good things to eat.  But He goes on to reveal that the kingdom is also like a treasure hidden in the earth and a pearl worth selling all for.  From something good to eat to a most precious treasure.   This is the revelation of the kingdom of the heavens from Matthew 13.
