Blog Archives

03 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #7)

Exodus (Program #7) – The Corporate Thornbush

One of the classical Bible stories of all time is the stories of Moses and the burning bush.  But within the details of this great story if were given the proper key; marvelous light and genuine divine revelation is available for any child of God with an open heart and seeking spirit.  Wonderful riches await to unfold on today’s life study of the Bible.

In chapter 3 of Exodus, particularly a story that is well-known to a lot of people.  Verse 2 of Exodus  “And the Angel of Jehovah appeared to him (Moses) in a flame of fire out of the midst of a thorn-bush. And when he looked, there was the thorn-bush, burning with fire; but the thorn-bush was not consumed.”  A well-known passage but as we mentioned in the introduction, the riches are really in the details.  Without getting the details we are going to miss a great deal in this message.

02 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #6)

Exodus (Program #6) – God’s Calling of the Prepared One (2)

At the age of 40 when he was just in his prime, God called Moses.  But God did not employ him in that calling for another 40 years.  By now Moses is an old man, drained of both his strength of body as well as strength of soul.  Yet this was the time God could use him for His purpose.  God’s preparation of Moses, the one sent by God to deliver His people is one of the most revealing and illuminating stories in the Bible because it fully applies to us.

Firstly we are going to see the purpose of God’s calling.  In another words,  God has called each of us as believers in Christ, but what is the purpose of that calling?   Then number 2, we want to see how God prepares us to be His called ones, and to be His sent ones to accomplish His purpose.  This is seen in the way God called Moses and the way God prepared Moses to be His sent one.  Again this would be very applicable to us in our Christian life.

01 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #5)

Exodus (Program #5) – God’s Calling of the Prepared One (1)

Israel, out of the pain of their suffering and under the oppressive hand of Pharaoh in Egypt cried out to God to save them.  These cries were heard and God was moved in His compassion to rescue His people.  Yet He tarry for 80 years before coming in to save them.  Have you ever been forced to wait for God to answer your crying out to Him?  Why does God often make us wait?  The surprising answer may be that God is really waiting for us.

We are going to see today that God was deeply motivated by the cries of His people, Israel and He wanted to deliver them from the tyranny that they were under in Egypt.  But He delayed taking action for a long period of time.  We can all relate to having to wait for the Lord. Sometime it seems like an eternity to us.  But our God is a very patient, isn’t He?

31 Jul 2023 Exodus (Program #4)

Exodus (Program #4) – The Life Useful to God

We all know that Moses was a great man used mightily by God for the accomplishment of His purpose.  Have you ever noticed though that God did not use him until he was well beyond the peak of his natural strength and ability.  In the New Testament, the apostle Peter was also greatly used by the Lord, but not until after the Lord had subdue his natural strength and severely dealt with him and restricted him.  What can we learn from the experience of these spiritual men as it relates to our life before Christ.

We are going to have another surprising message for our listeners today.  We are going to look at the characteristic or trait that most equips or qualifies a person to be useful to God in the accomplishment of His purpose.

30 Jul 2023 Exodus (Program #3)

Exodus (Program #3) – Preparation of the Slave Savior

Surely Moses is a great man of God used by Him for His purpose.  But chapter 2 of Exodus, the story of Moses from his birth until he is finally prepared by God for His use, is a story where women, females play nearly all of the major parts.  Is this just idle curiosity or is there a valuable message for us to be seen from these details?

We saw at the end of our broadcast yesterday that God uses the female life very significantly in the accomplishment of HIs purpose.  This may be a little hard to grasp but concepted may be is a little obscure when you first hear it

17 Jan 2023 Ezekiel (Program #25)

Ezekiel (Program #25) – The Holy Land and the Holy City

Clearly the subject and central focus of the last section of the book of Ezekiel is the temple, the house of God. Show the house to the house, the Lord tells Ezekiel and that is exactly what he does in the final chapters. Yet, there’s a very profound postscript to Ezekiel’s vision that is found in the final chapters of the book and that is the land upon which the temple sits. In fact the land and the house are the central focus of the entire Old Testament. Recall Jehovah’s words to Joshua following the death of Moses as the children of Israel were encamped at the border of the good land in Canaan, “Moses My servant is dead; now then arise, and cross over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land which I am giving to them, to the children of Israel. Every place on which the sole of your foot treads I have given to you, as I promised Moses…Be strong and take courage, for you will cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give to them.” (Joshua 1:2-3,6). Well if the temple typifies the church as the fulfillment of the house of God, what then does this land typify?

13 Sep 2022 Psalms (Program #38)

Psalms (Program #38) – Christ—The Reality of the Law as the Testimony and the Word of God

consider for a moment an interesting observation.  Suppose the ruler of a country were to pass a law legalizing corruption, what will that tell you of the character of that ruler?  It will likely tell you that this person, this one making such law was also corrupt himself.  You see, laws are actually a kind of portrait of the law-giver.  So when we come to the laws of God we shall realize that they are a portrait of the Person that gave them.  In another word, the laws given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai is a portrait of the Person of God, a portrait of Jesus Christ.  So when we come to a passage of Scripture such as the 119th Psalm with its 176 verses many speaking of the law, we should have the impression that what we are seeing is not God’s demands upon you and me but rather we are seeing Christ as God’s expression and also the one to whom we are coming that He may supply us with Himself in order that we as His members could live Him out fully meeting even surpassing God’s every demand.

03 Sep 2022 Revelation (Program #27)

Revelation (Program #27) – The Treading of Jerusalem and Testimony of the Two Witnesses

In Matthew chapter 17, when the Lord Jesus was being visibly glorified in front of Peter, James, and John, verse 3 says “And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Him.”

For that very monumental event, the Lord Jesus wanted these two representatives of the Old Testament dispensation of the Law and the Prophets to be present. But they are not through yet, because Revelation reveals that these two will appear again during the fearsome days of the Great Tribulation in Jerusalem.

10 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #4)

Psalms (Program #4) – Christ in God’s Economy versus the Law in Man’s Appreciation (3)

In our natural common mentality, the law of God easily assumes a preeminent position.  We can relate to the notion of keeping a high moral standard of conduct.  And surely this seems in line with what must be God’s plan and desire for mankind.  After all God Himself gave the commandments to Moses to pass on to His people, the children of Israel.  But there is a fundamental problem; when we afford the law the central position in our relationship to God and that is although it is good and righteous and holy, the law is powerless and must rely on man’s fallen flesh to carry it out.  Try as we may and regardless of how much desperate prayer expressing our earnest desire to carry it out we add to it,  the result is inevitable, an utter failure, leaving us defeated and condemned and spiritually dead.  Oh that our eyes would be open to see that this righteous law that so vividly portraits God’s holy nature has never occupied the central place in His plan.  For that place throughout eternity is reserved unchangingly for the Christ of God alone.

08 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #2)

Psalms (Program #2) – Christ in God’s Economy versus the Law in Man’s Appreciation (1)

Many of the 39 books of the Old Testament touched the matter of the law. The law generally refers to the commands that God delivered to Moses on Mount Sinai after the children of Israel had their exodus from Egypt. And the impact that these laws has had not just on God’s people but on all of western civilization is hard to overstate.

God’s people both in New and Old Testament heirs treasure the law of God.  But there is a key word in the New Testament that reveals something crucial concerning God’s entire economy and how the law relates to it.  In Rom 5:20 it says, “And the law entered in alongside that the offense might abound”  What does it mean that the law entered in alongside?  Well, we will discuss this in many more items relate to the law and the central focus of God’s economy on today’s program.
