Archive for the Category ◊ New Testament ◊

09 May 2023 John (Program #5)

John (Program #5) – An Introduction to Life and Building (1)

John’s ministry is a mending ministry, to mend the Church which is a net. The net has been torn. It is in need of mending. Even today, I think we all agree the Church has many holes, tears, and needs mending.

08 May 2023 John (Program #4)

John (Program #4) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (4)

You have to remember the first section of this book (John) is to bring God into man, and to declare God to man. This is the first section. Then the second section is to bring man into God.

We come to the position of John’s writings in the scripture. First of all, we have to realize John’s ministry is a mending ministry. When John was called, he was not fishing there; he was mending the net. When Peter was called, Peter was fishing, but John was mending. So in the later ministry, Peter did a lot of fishing. Peter brought in the people, but eventually it was John that mended the heavenly net. John’s ministry was a mending ministry, and this mending was one with life. Only life mends. Only life covers all the holes of the heavenly net…

07 May 2023 John (Program #3)

John (Program #3) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (3)

The central thought of the scripture is life and building. What is life?  What is building? Firstly, life. God’s creation was centered on life. This has been fully revealed in Genesis chapter 1. And number two, man was placed in front of the tree of life, indicating that God wanted man to take it as life. This is revealed, thus, in two verses: verses 8 and 9 of chapter 2 of Genesis. Number 3, the Old Testament saints enjoyed God as their life.  Psalms 36:9 says “With Thee, there is the fountain of life.”..

06 May 2023 John (Program #2)

John (Program #2) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (2)

The experience of Christ as life is in the realization of Christ being God himself dispensed into our being. This is life.

We all have to know, Christ is life, the Church is the building, but still what is life? You should say, life is Christ. But we should realize to such an extent that Christ as life to us is just God Himself dispensed into our very being.

05 May 2023 John (Program #1)

John (Program #1) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (1)

In today’s program, we like to see something from the whole Bible. The Bible is a book of two things. Many of you would say Christ and the Church. The two things are not Christ and the Church, but life and building. Christ is life and the Church is building. If you don’t realize that Christ is life and the Church is building, when you say Christ and the Church, it is just a kind of doctrine. When we say Christ, we mean life. When we say the Church, we mean building. What is Christ? Christ is our life. What is the Church?  The Church is God’s building.

04 May 2023 Luke (Program #65)

Luke (Program #65) – The Man-Savior’s Ascension (3 & 4)

The Gospel of Luke concludes with one of the mysterious and difficult to understand items in the entire New Testament and that’s the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ to the heavenlies, some forty days after His resurrection. Luke 20:4 says “while He blessed them He parted from them and was carried up into heaven and they worship Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy and were continually in the temple blessing God.”  One of the reasons that seems to be mysterious and difficult is that it appears to be very removed even remote from us. Yet when we see His ascension properly in view of the entire New Testament revelation we realized that it has tremendous implications for us.

03 May 2023 Luke (Program #64)

Luke (Program #64) – The Man-Savior’s Ascension (1 & 2)

The final Chapter of the Gospel of Luke is marvelous. It begins with the Lord Jesus revealing Himself to His dear ones, that He had resurrected from the dead. Then we see Him in resurrection appearing and disappearing repeatedly in order to train them to experience His invisible presence and finally He brings us to this concluding words that He uttered to His disciples:

Chapter 24:46, “And He said to them thus it is written that the Christ would suffered and raised up from the dead on the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaim in His name to all the nations beginning from Jerusalem. And behold I send forth the promise of my Father upon you. But as for you stay in the city until you put on power from on high.”

24:51 “And while He blessed them, He parted from them and was carried up into heavens.” Here was His promise that He would cloth them with power from on high. But not before His visible ascension to the third heavens.  What happen in that ascension? And why is it important for us to know about it?

02 May 2023 Luke (Program #63)

Luke (Program #63) – The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (6)

“He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today, He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.

He lives, He lives, salvation to impart, you ask me how I know He lives, He lives within my heart.”

This well known song hymn answers the question many people have today, “how do you know Christ lives?”  Today on life study of Luke we are going to focus on the wonderful Christ in resurrection who lives in us.

01 May 2023 Luke (Program #62)

Luke (Program #62) -The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (4 & 5)

Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her that’s Ephesians 5:25.  Many people are familiar with John 3:16 which says, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.”  But how many are familiar with the church that which He gave Himself for?  He also gave Himself for the church. The church is not just a building with a steeple on the corner, most people know that.  But how many people really know what the Church is, and what process Christ went through to give Himself for the Church? This is a very critical matter and we want to see it today on our life study of Luke.

30 Apr 2023 Luke (Program #61)

Luke (Program #61) – The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (3)

The Triune God is a mystery. He is One and yet He is Three. But don’t think this matter is just relegated to the theologians. We as the believers all should enter into the experience of the Triune God. And today we have a very enlightening, encouraging program.
