Archive for the Category ◊ Matthew ◊

01 Nov 2022 Matthew (Program #15)

Matthew (Program #15) – The Decree of the Kingdom’s Constitution (3)

Any nation or kingdom can only be as strong as its citizens.  The kingdom of God or the kingdom of the heavens as it is described in Matthew is no different.  So what are the people that inhabit this heavenly kingdom like?

31 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #14)

Matthew (Program #14) – The Decree of the Kingdom’s Constitution (2)

In three well-known chapters in the gospel of Matthew, the Lord Jesus gives a detailed description of the kingdom of the heavens.  It’s no accident, that this description begins with short verse: “Blessed are the poor in spirit”.  The kingdom of the heavens is absolutely related to our spirit.

30 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #13)

Matthew (Program #13) – The Decree of the Kingdom’s Constitution (1)

The gospel of Matthew is the gospel on the kingdom of the heavens.  One of the most difficult things for believers to understand is the kingdom of the heavens.  It does not correspond to any natural or religious concept.  It refers to something very specific.  To understand the kingdom of the heavens, we all need to be unloaded of our traditional thoughts and concepts from the past.

29 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #12)

Matthew (Program #12) – The Beginning of the King’s Ministry

In the Old Testament, Isaiah give us a wonderful prophesy concerning the beginning of the ministry of Jesus Christ that would take place hundreds of years later.  The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali…the way to the sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the gentiles.  The people sitting in the darkness have seen a great light; and to those sitting in the region and shadow of death, to them Light has risen.  So it was Christ began His earthly ministry not in the religious capital Jerusalem, but in the despised region of Galilee.

28 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #11)

Matthew (Program #11) – The King’s Anointing (4)

In a well-known exchange between the Lord Jesus and the devil, Satan tempted Him to simply perform a miracle to proof His divine status.  As the genuine and all-powerful God, this would have been easy for Him to perform a simple miracle.  But instead He answered the challenge by saying to Satan, “you shall not test the Lord, your God”.  We are going to look at 3 major tests given to the newly annointed King in Matthew chapter four.

27 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #10)

Matthew (Program #10) – The King’s Anointing (3)

Of course we all know the story that Jesus was born as a babe in Bethlehem.  We also know that Jerusalem was the religious capital of the world in His time.  But it is interesting the Bible introducing His ministry doesn’t say that Jesus came from Bethlehem and went to Jerusalem.  Rather it says then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan.

26 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #9)

Matthew (Program #9) – The King’s Anointing (2)

There are two basic ministries that characterize both the Old and New Testament; the ministry of the priesthood and the ministry of the kingship.  It’s interesting that in Matthew chapter 3, we see two representatives of these two basic ministries together as the age is changing.

25 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #8)

Matthew (Program #8) – The King’s Anointing (1)

“Repent, for the kingdom of the heaven has drawn near”.  This was “the voice of the one crying in the wilderness.  Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight His path”.  So begins the ministry of John the Baptist.

We have our first program today dealing with John the Baptist.  This is the one I think nearly everyone has heard of.  But probably there is not that much understood about him and his ministry.

24 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #7)
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Matthew (Program #7) – The King’s Antecedents & Status (7)

Matthew chapter two re-accounts the well known story of how the wise men came with their gifts and found the baby, Lord Jesus.  There is much more to the story than what we may commonly be familiar with.  Our goal today on this program is to see how we all can find Christ by the living star.

23 Oct 2022 Matthew (Program #6)
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Matthew (Program #6) – The King’s Antecedents & Status (6)

The first chapter of Matthew is a chapter of names.  There are 17 verses of names, the genealogy of Jesus Christ.  The chapter ends, however with two particular names, Jesus and Emmanuel.
