Archive for April 12th, 2022

12 Apr 2022 Deuteronomy (Program #21)

Deuteronomy (Program #21) – The Rehearsal of the Law (15)

Deuteronomy or the re-speaking of the law has a long portion containing many of the detail statues and ordinances that supplemented the basic 10 commandments. Among these were stringent prohibitions against mixture.  For example, a woman was not to wear a man’s clothing and vice verse. Also an ox was not to be yoked with a donkey to plow a field. These statues even went so far to prohibit the wearing of wool and cotton at the same time.  What does all of these have to do with us as New Testament believers?  Outwardly of course we are not under these same restrictions. But there is an inward, an intrinsic principle which does have a real application for us as the New Testament believers, as we will see in today’s life study of Deuteronomy.

12 Apr 2022 Hebrews (Program #48)

Hebrews (Program #48) – The History of Faith and Its Witnesses

In sports, there is a universal factor called the “home court advantage”. The competitors gain a distinct advantage by the cheering and encouragement of an arena full of fans. Have you ever realized that such is the case in our own running the race of the Christian life?
