Archive for May 11th, 2022

11 May 2022 James (Program #8)

James (Program #8) – Practical Virtues of Christian Perfection (8)

This is actually the 8th radio program we’ve done in the life study of James and is covering printed message number 10. We have seen a lot so far,  life study of James is a little bit different than other life studies because James was not fully clear about God’s New Testament economy.

11 May 2022 Ruth (Program #4)

Ruth (Program #4) – Ruth’s Reward for God’s Economy

This a very aromatic portion of the Bible, a very sweet, pleasant portion of the scripture.  The subject is the matter that Ruth’s reward for God’s economy.

A review of how Ruth made a choice  for a goal and she exercise a right to enjoy the rich land which is a picture of Christ. In this program we are going to see that Ruth is a real seeker after God and she eventually gain what she has sought after. She chose a goal and she exercise her right and she sought for her husband in a home as a resting place.
