28 Oct 2021 Philippians (Program #47)

Philippians (Program #47) – The Divine and Rich Provision for Our Constant Salvation

A commonly heard phrase in society today is supply and demand.  Many situations in the world fall into this category. Well, there is also this aspect to our Christian life.  It is very important for us to enjoy constantly the Lord’s supply to meet the daily demand that we face in our lives.  That’s our topic today in the life study entitled “The Divine and Rich Provision for Our Constant Salvation”

We are going to cover 5 specific divine and rich provisions today.  We pray that the Lord would bring us all, including our listeners into a practical experience of this constantly salvation we’ve been hearing about.

We see these provisions in chapter 2, the first one is that Christ as the pattern and the standard.  The second provision is actually Christ as the inner operating God.  Thirdly, you see been the provision of being children of God having received God’s life and nature so that we could live by Him and even live Him.  Like Paul said, for to me to live is Christ.  The fourth provision is luminaries. That means because we enjoy His life and in Him is life and the life was the light of man. The more we enjoy Him as life the more we shine.  We shine not with our own light,but He Himself.  We become the very luminaries of God Himself expressing Him. The last item of the divine provision is the Word of life. The more we enjoy this Christ Who is the living Word embodied in His written word the more we are full of life dispensing life and for us to live is just Christ.  So we are really grateful for these five divine provisions. Enabling us to enjoy our constant salvation.

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