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14 Feb 2023 Joel (Program #4)

Joel (Program #4) – On Joel (5)—The Four Factors in the Book of Joel

The Old Testament, Minor Prophet Joel is an interesting book. It was quoted by Peter on the day of Pentecost and its’ prophecy concerning both the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the second coming of Christ are of great importance even to us, the New Testament believers.

The book can be summarized into 4 principles. These are the consuming locusts representing the 4 great empires of the human history and how they had been consuming Israel for more than 27 centuries.  The second principle is the suffering, that this is caused to Israel and how Israel had continued to endure under the suffering.  The third principle in Joel is that the Church, that’s us, God’s New Testament people are the beneficiaries of all these consuming and suffering.  And finally, the fourth principle is that of restoration. For all the suffering that Israel has endured there is a day coming when Israel will enjoy God’s full restoration.  This is Joel a wonderful and important book.

12 Feb 2023 Joel (Program #2)

Joel (Program #2) – On Joel (2)—The Content (1)

The book of Joel in the Old Testament contains 3 main points. The first is the plague of the 4 locusts found in Chapter 1. These 4 locusts in Joel 1, the 4 horns in Zechariah, the 4 beasts in Daniel 7 and the great image in Daniel 2 seen in 4 sections all refer to the four great empires of human history. The Babylonians, the Medo Persian, the Greek and the Roman Empires. These 4 empires representing the totality of human government had been consuming Israel for 27 centuries.

The second main point of Joel is the outpouring of the Spirit prophesied in Chapter two, and referred to by the apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost.

The third main point in Joel is the coming restoration, not only of Israel but of the whole universe. Such a short book, a Minor Prophet in the Old Testament, yet such a great content.
