Blog Archives

10 May 2023 Genesis (Program #55)

Genesis (Program #55) – The Seed and the Land (1)

Today we are going to come to chapter 15 of Genesis and a life study entitled “The Seed and the Land” for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. Related to God’s purpose, two promises were given concerning the seed and the land.

The promises that the Lord gave Abraham in His calling him, was not just really some things. In the Old Testament He mentioned the seed and the land, but as we see in this message we will see the intrinsic promise was that He will give Abraham and a seed, Himself. We have been called to enjoy Christ as a seed and Christ as the land. Both the seed and the land are just Christ.

It is quite something to see that these are just Christ Himself and not just something from Him or even about Him.

10 May 2023 John (Program #6)

John (Program #6) – An Introduction to Life and Building (2)

God is a mystery, but Christ is the Word of God. And, this Word defines God, explains God, and expresses God. So, this Word is the definition of God, and the explanation of God, and also the expression of God.

So eventually, this Word was God. Just God Himself. But not God hidden, not God concealed, not God mysterious, but God defined, God explained, God expressed. Not unseen God, but the seen God. Not the God invisible, but the very God so visible. This is the Word.

09 May 2023 John (Program #5)

John (Program #5) – An Introduction to Life and Building (1)

John’s ministry is a mending ministry, to mend the Church which is a net. The net has been torn. It is in need of mending. Even today, I think we all agree the Church has many holes, tears, and needs mending.

09 May 2023 Genesis (Program #54)
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Genesis (Program #54) – The Victory of the Called

We have a very positive and encouraging message today as we are going to consider the victory of the called.   Again this is from the account of Abraham.  But Abraham’s life is not always one of victory was it?

08 May 2023 John (Program #4)

John (Program #4) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (4)

You have to remember the first section of this book (John) is to bring God into man, and to declare God to man. This is the first section. Then the second section is to bring man into God.

We come to the position of John’s writings in the scripture. First of all, we have to realize John’s ministry is a mending ministry. When John was called, he was not fishing there; he was mending the net. When Peter was called, Peter was fishing, but John was mending. So in the later ministry, Peter did a lot of fishing. Peter brought in the people, but eventually it was John that mended the heavenly net. John’s ministry was a mending ministry, and this mending was one with life. Only life mends. Only life covers all the holes of the heavenly net…

08 May 2023 Genesis (Program #53)

Genesis (Program #53) – The Trial of the Called Ones

Today we are going to look at the most precious experience of Abraham, a message entitled “the trial of the called ones”.   How Abraham’s life is really a picture of our own Christian walk…

07 May 2023 John (Program #3)

John (Program #3) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (3)

The central thought of the scripture is life and building. What is life?  What is building? Firstly, life. God’s creation was centered on life. This has been fully revealed in Genesis chapter 1. And number two, man was placed in front of the tree of life, indicating that God wanted man to take it as life. This is revealed, thus, in two verses: verses 8 and 9 of chapter 2 of Genesis. Number 3, the Old Testament saints enjoyed God as their life.  Psalms 36:9 says “With Thee, there is the fountain of life.”..

06 May 2023 Genesis (Program #51)

Genesis (Program #51) – Living by Faith (2)

We have our second program today on a life of faith.  Our message will begin with Abraham building his second altar.  What is the significance of Abraham building altars while human society was building cities and high towers?

06 May 2023 John (Program #2)

John (Program #2) – A Foreword to the Life-Study of the Gospel of John (2)

The experience of Christ as life is in the realization of Christ being God himself dispensed into our being. This is life.

We all have to know, Christ is life, the Church is the building, but still what is life? You should say, life is Christ. But we should realize to such an extent that Christ as life to us is just God Himself dispensed into our very being.

05 May 2023 Genesis (Program #50)

Genesis (Program #50) – Living by Faith (1)

This one should be very instructive and helpful to anyone desiring to live by faith.  We’ve seen before that we really need to look at Abraham, Isaac and Jacob collectively if we are going to get a full picture of God’s calling.
