Tag-Archive for ◊ transfiguration ◊

05 May 2024 2 Corinthians (Program #12)

2 Corinthians (Program #12) – The Ministers of the New Covenant (5)

Let me give you three important spiritual terms from the New Testament.

1. Regeneration
2. Transformation
3. Transfiguration

I selected these because many believers confuse them or perhaps think that they are synonymous or interchangeable. But actually while they all refer to various steps in the process of God’s full salvation, they certainly are not interchangeable, in fact they apply to the three distinct parts of our being. Our spirit, our soul and our body.

24 Feb 2023 Mark (Program #55)

Mark (Program #55) – A Life Fully According To and For God’s New Testament Economy (14 & 15)

Have you received the Lord Jesus and is He now in You? We all can testify strongly, at least we hope so, that we have received the Lord and that He is in us. But has the Lord been transfigured in you?  We need the Lord to grow in us, until He is blossoms. That blossoming would be the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus in us in a practical way. Such a transfiguration is the kingdom of God.

06 Dec 2022 Matthew (Program #50)

Matthew (Program #50) – The Miniature and Manifestation of Kingdom

At the northern most tip of Israel, stands majestic Mount Herman.  This was most likely the spot where the Lord Jesus took His three disciples to witness one of the most incredible events ever seen by men’s eyes.  This was the transfiguration of the Man Jesus giving His chosen ones a brief glimpse of His glorious divinity as it was encased in His uplifted humanity.  Our words failed in any meaningful measure to convey the depth what Peter, James and John saw first hand that day.

06 Oct 2021 Philippians (Program #25)

Philippians (Program #25) – Awaiting Christ for the Transfiguration of His Sufferings

What is the body of our humiliation referred to by the apostle Paul in Philippians 3:21?  Many people are trying to excessively glorified their physical body today and make it more honorable by indulging in the enjoyment of the material things. But the Bible says it’s not until the Lord comes that we would be conformed to the Body of His glory.

The believers in Philippi have been saved of course and regenerated in their spirits but there is still the need for them to care for the two others parts of their being; the soul and the body.  We will see in some greater details today.  The background of this book is that the Philippians believers were been hampered or frustrated by two different groups of people. One was the Judaizers, which Paul had called dogs in the concision in the some other very derogatory name. The other group is the group called Epicureans.  Why were these two groups so damaging?
