Tag-Archive for ◊ debates ◊

27 Sep 2023 Exodus (Program #62)

Exodus (Program #62) – The Negative Aspect of the Giving of the Law (2)

We’ve all heard of the ten commandments, that most well-known portion of the Old Testament.  Actually, the Bible is full of commandments far beyond those ten originally.  When God commands His people to do something, what response is He looking for?  You may well be surprised as we touch this intriguing question during the next 30 minutes.  Stay we us for the life study of the Bible with Witness Lee.

The ten commandments were delivered by God to Moses in Exodus chapter 19 and 20.  Moses in turn passed them on to the children of Israel, the Jews.  How God’s New Testament people, the Christians should relate to these commandments has been a topic of major discussions or even debates or sometimes controversy for all this past 20 centuries.  Why is it such a difficult issue for believer to deal with?

27 Jul 2022 Job (Program #5)

Job (Program #5) -The First of the Three Rounds in the Debates Between Job and His Three Friends (1) – Eliphaz’s Answer to Job by Rebuking

In Job chapter 4 and 5 Eliphaz, the first of Job’s three friends opens up the first of three rounds of debates concerning Job’s sufferings. Job held the concept that he was right but Eliphaz corrected him. Referring to Job in chapter 4:17 Eliphaz asked him, “Can a mortal man be more righteous than God? Can a man be purer than his Maker?”
