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02 Aug 2022 Job (Program #11)

Job (Program #11) – The Third of the Three Rounds (4) – Job’s Final Speaking (2)

Job chapter 29 brings us to a scene that most of us can relate very well to. At this point in the book, Job is once again pouring out to his friends concerning the terrible sufferings that God had visited upon him. And in this discourse, he was reliving many of the fond recollections of the glories of his past experience. How often do we dwell in the past when we are languishing in the depths of our present despair?  But Job was also drawing upon his past successes in order to build a defense so that he could plead his case before God. A case that was totally built upon his own righteousness.

29 Jul 2022 Job (Program #7)

Job (Program #7) – The First of the Three Rounds (3) and (4)

In Job’s unyielding vindication under his extreme sufferings, he said in Job 10:1-2, “My soul loathes my own life; I will let my complaint have free course in me; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. I will say to God, Do not account me wicked; Make known to me why You contend with me.”

28 Jul 2022 Job (Program #6)

Job (Program #6) – The First of the Three Rounds (2) – Job’s Vindication

God put the book of Job into the Bible as a black background. The speaking of Job and his friends indicated that although they were apparently godly men, they were short of God and they did not express God. Job and his friends came together to debate not to fellowship.

27 Jul 2022 Job (Program #5)

Job (Program #5) -The First of the Three Rounds in the Debates Between Job and His Three Friends (1) – Eliphaz’s Answer to Job by Rebuking

In Job chapter 4 and 5 Eliphaz, the first of Job’s three friends opens up the first of three rounds of debates concerning Job’s sufferings. Job held the concept that he was right but Eliphaz corrected him. Referring to Job in chapter 4:17 Eliphaz asked him, “Can a mortal man be more righteous than God? Can a man be purer than his Maker?”

26 Jul 2022 Job (Program #4)

Job (Program #4) – Job’s Cursing of His Birthday

In Job chapter 3, Job cursed the day of his birth. He was a good man and he was trying to keep his perfection, uprightness and integrity. But due to his vexation he could not contain himself and he didn’t know what to do. Job’s suffering was so intense and most of the book of Job is a debate about why God would allow such a good person to suffer so much. And this debate continues today. At the end of chapter 2, Job painfully sat in silence for seven days and nights. And then in chapter 3 Job broke the silence and initiated the debate, which is most of the book of Job, by cursing the day of his birth because of his suffering of this very great pain.
