Archive for December 10th, 2022

10 Dec 2022 Matthew (Program #54)

Matthew (Program #54) – The Kingdom Requirements

Lust, pride and the love of riches, these are 3 scorpions that plague virtually every human being.  Many people come to Christ motivated by the desire to be free from the sting of these scorpions.  As God’s people, we must ultimately experience this kind of freedom.  But deliverance from these can never be attained by mere will power or determination.   As we consider this account in Matthew 19 and how much these things will affect our ultimate standing in God’s kingdom.

10 Dec 2022 Jeremiah (Program #17)

Jeremiah (Program #17) – Jehovah as the Potter and Israel as the Pottery

The prophet Jeremiah found himself in a difficult almost impossible situation. On one hand, he himself was part of the nation of Israel. A nation that had rebelled against the Lord and as a result was suffering under the hand of Jehovah’s discipline and chastisement. Therefore, Jeremiah was suffering along with all his countrymen. Yet Jeremiah was unique in that he had faithfully spoken Jehovah’s word to Israel pointing out their unfaithfulness and warning them to turn back to the God who had so marvelously brought them into the Good Land. But this faithful speaking by Jeremiah was rejected by Israel and caused them to hate him and even further persecute him.  So it’s not surprising to hear this man of God crying out in anguish to the one person who would surely sympathize with him – his own mother. In chapter 15, the prophet said “Woe is me, my mother, because you bore me, A man of strife and a man of contention to the whole land. I have not lent with interest, Nor have they lent to me; Yet everyone curses me.” But before his mother could speak a comforting word, Jehovah intervenes. And in the discourse that follows, we see that Jeremiah had a different view from Jehovah regarding the way that the Lord was dealing with His people, Israel.
