Tag-Archive for ◊ God’s kingdom ◊

01 Apr 2024 Exodus (Program #143)

Exodus (Program #143) – The Golden Incense Altar (4) Appreciation of the Two Altars, Two Altars in our Experience

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.”  This is a frequently quoted passage from Matthew chapter 6.  Of course, in context “all theses things” refer to our practical and physical needs and the promise is very clear; if we are occupied by seeking God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, we need not be consumed with praying for our own needs.  But what is it to seek the kingdom and God’s righteousness?

29 Jun 2023 Acts (Program #4)

Acts (Program #4) – Introduction and the Preparation

In the gospel of John, we are told that in order to see the kingdom of God, we need to be born again. In other words, we need another life. The natural human life is just not capable of comprehending the kingdom of God. How about you? Do you really see the kingdom of God? Stay with us for an insightful unveiling of God’s kingdom on this life study of the Bible.

20 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #14)

Psalms (Program #14) – Christ as the Shepherd in His Resurrection and Christ as the King in God’s Kingdom

Psalms 23 is a precious and popular Psalms, “The Lord is my shepherd” immediately brings comfort along with the six short and lovable verses in this wonderful Psalms.  We have a sweet radio program today.

Psalms 23 is one of those Psalms and portions in the Bible that is read a lot and is quite popular.  We are going to see it in the view of God’s economy and in the context of the group of 3 Psalms that it is in; Psalms 22, Psalms 23 and Psalms 24 in a group.

16 Jul 2022 Nehemiah (Program #1)

Nehemiah (Program #1) – Nehemiah’s Aggressiveness

God’s purpose is to build Himself a house and establish His kingdom on the earth. In the Old Testament the recovery books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we see three sections of God’s work. Firstly. related to the rebuilding of the temple under Zerubbabel and then the  rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah.

16 Jun 2022 2 Peter (Program #6)

2 Peter (Program #6) – The Divine Provision (6)

Second Peter chapter one is one of the most weighty and profound passages in all of scripture. Phrase after phrase in these few verses convey the progression and development of the divine life as it germinates, matures and comes to full growth.

Along this long progression or path all of the attributes of God divine life become the virtues that developed and are ultimately expressed through us. Of course while God supplies the divine power according to Peter which enables us to escape the corruption of the world that work through lust and to become partakers of the divine nature, there are some basic conditions that we need to meet, such as having a full knowledge of all the divine things pertaining to life and godliness.  And in addition we need to add all diligence to co-operate with the divine power operating within us.  The result of  this marvelous development is that God is expressed through us and we in turn are supplied a rich and unshakable entrance into God’s kingdom.

03 Jun 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #21)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #21) – The History Concerning David (8)

The first two kings of Israel present us with two distinctly different patterns. Both began their monarchy by being selected and anointed by God, but any similarity ends there. Saul, the first king, was intent on one thing, and that was establishing and building up his own monarchy. What he was building up was absolutely for himself. David who replaced Saul was also intent on one thing. But for David, that one thing had nothing to do with his own kingdom. His focus was God’s kingdom. What he was building up was for God’s kingdom, not for his own.

The result of their two lives tells us a lot about how we should approach and conduct ourselves in the kingdom of God. Saul and his three sons died a humiliating death, and the honor and the glory that surrounded his kingship in the beginning was completely lost. David on the other hand, despite some serious failures, became an important person in God’s plan and even in the accomplishment of His eternal economy.

31 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #18)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #18) – The History Concerning David (5)

Saul, the first king of Israel, had a marvelous beginning, but the most tragic ending imaginable. In the Old Testament story of this tragic inclusion to Saul’s life, there are a number of valuable things that we, the New Testament believers, can learn concerning God’s economy. Foremost among them is the fundamental problem that Saul had, and that is that despite his early glory and successes, he was never properly related to God’s economy–God’s desire to build himself a house, and ultimately His kingdom. Rather, Saul’s heart was consumed with his own kingdom, and building something for himself. In first Samuel chapter 20 this hidden desire for his own kingdom is revealed. more…

26 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #13)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #13) – The History Concerning David (1)

When the children of Israel asked God for a king, He responded by giving them Saul, a tall, handsome, capable man who also was victorious over the Israel’s enemies. God’s intention was that Saul would use the kingship to build up God’s kingdom, but it soon became clear that Saul’s intent was different. Yes, He desired to build a kingdom, but not God’s kingdom. What Saul sought was to build a kingdom for himself under the guise of God’s kingdom. Of course the Lord knew Saul’s heart, and he moved secretly and quietly behind the scenes to prepare a king for Israel that was of His choice, and who would build up God’s kingdom, and even pave the way for Christ, the King, to eventually be brought forth. Who was this one chosen by God? Well, let’s turn to the book of Ruth chapter 4, “And Salmon begot Boaz, and Boaz begot Obed, and Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David.”

24 May 2022 1 & 2 Samuel (Program #11)

1 & 2 Samuel (Program #11) – The History Concerning Saul (3)

The children of Israel were in a low condition.  Their enemies were closing in.  They had strayed far from the Lord  both in their hearts and in their deeds.  And they feared that He would no longer look after them and protect them. Their reaction was understandable; they asked the prophet Samuel to give them a king just as all the other nations had to protect them. Reluctantly Samuel sought Jehovah in the matter and the Lord granted the people their request and instructed Samuel to anoint Saul as the first king over Israel. In the beginning it appeared that the Lord was with king Saul. And he was victorious in defeating the Ammonites, Israel’s enemy. But as time went on it became more and more evident that what was filling Saul’s heart was not so much to establish God’s kingdom but rather to build up a monarchy or a kingdom of his own within God’s kingdom.
