Archive for August 14th, 2023

14 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #50)

Acts (Program #50) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (16)

As Christians we admire and appreciate very much those who are gifted and eloquent, and use their gift for the Lord. We love to hear an exciting preacher holding an audience spellbound with a mighty convincing Gospel message. But, do you realize that such a gifted one in the first century Church as seen in Acts lead many people to the Lord Jesus. He was zealous and bold, and used his gifts for the Lord. But, he was the cause of a serious problem, nearly dividing the Body of Christ: all because of his lack of the full revelation of God’s up-to-date move at that time. Are we in God’s up-to-date move today? We all must ask ourselves and the Lord Jesus this vital question.

14 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #18)

Exodus (Program #18) – God’s Demand and Pharaoh’s Resistance (4)

God’s desire is that His people will build Him a dwelling place on the earth. This was His intention for the children of Israel even as they were held in bondage under Pharaoh in the book of Exodus and it’s His intention for us today. In Exodus, a struggle ensued between God and Pharaoh whereby He manifested not only judgment upon the Egyptian world but also the real nature and issue of the life of the world – the life that usurps God’s people. If we receive mercy, we’ll take this warning given to all God’s people about the usurping worldly system.

It has been a tremendous journey thus far, as we just get into the book of Exodus.  We come to that portion in the last few days, we have been reviewing the conflict between God and Pharaoh.  It is a fairly well-known story to most Christians and believers.  But Witness Lee has been pointing out that we are going to see very directly today that these 10 plagues and these 10 encounters, actually a dozen encounters that took place over all between God and Pharaoh were not just God’s judgement on Pharaoh and on Egypt but are really intended as an exposure and a kind of education for God’s people as well, to realize the real situation that Egypt represents.  Why do we know that this is a picture to expose but not just a matter of God’s judgement on Egypt and Pharaoh?
