Archive for August 28th, 2023

28 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #64)

Acts (Program #64) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (30)

On two occasions in his life, the Apostle Paul was sovereignly set aside for a lengthy period of time. The Bible reveals precious little about the details of the three year period in Arabia and his two year imprisonment in Caesarea. Yet, after each of these periods, great Epistles later to be included in Scripture issued forth from God’s servant. What went on during these hidden years? And, how did God use them to further both His move on the earth and the unveiling of His eternal purpose? Please stay with us as we look at these meaningful questions on our life study of the Bible today.

28 Aug 2023 Exodus (Program #32)

Exodus (Program #32) – The Experience of Manna

In Exodus the Lord performed miracle after miracle in rescuing His people Israel.  Once through the Red Sea, He continue to bless them with rich experiences such as quenching their deepest thirst.  Yet despise His merciful treatment, they murmur bitterly at the first sign of difficulty.  How can we explain such pitiful behavior by the people of God?  Well, the same way we can explain much of our own shameful behavior before the Lord.  Stay with us as we get another view of our savior God on today’s life study of the Bible.

We see something very remarkable in this journey with the children of Israel in the wilderness.  They had a remarkable series of experiences with the Lord; His miraculous deliverance of them through the Passover and going through the Red Sea, and this marvelous experience of the bitter water at Marah and finally the flowing stream and the growing palm at Elim.  Yet after all of these, there is a very ugly, an ugly display of their dissatisfaction toward the Lord.  more…
