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17 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #93)

Genesis (Program #93) – Being Transformed (2)

Jacob returns to the place of his dream in chapter 28.  It must significant that after so many dealings and events in Jacob’s life that God would bring him back to the place that Jacob had identified as the House of God.

17 Jun 2023 John (Program #43)

John (Program #43) – Life’s Prayer (2)

We have an entity in New York called the United Nations. But, I think we all realize that the United Nations is actually the divided nations, that there is no real oneness outside the Triune God.

This passage (the Lord’s prayer in John 17) is maybe the most important portion of the Holy Word because this is the Lord’s final recorded prayer before He goes to the cross to die. And, what we see in this prayer is the aspiration of the Lord’s heart’s desire actually becomes His specific prayer to the Father. So, in this prayer, what we see is the very heart’s desire of the Triune God. And, in verse 1 of this prayer, the Lord opens by saying, “Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son that the Son may glorify You.” So, this is a prayer for the Father to glorify the Son that the Son may glorify the Father. And, what this means is for the Father and the Son to have a full expression through His many believers. And, this expression of Himself is His glorification.

16 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #92)

Genesis (Program #92) – Being Transformed (1)

Today we are coming back to the goal and the subject of the entire Bible.  There is a definite focus in this program, the life study of the Bible; to see that every portion of the Scriptures is consistent and always leading to one goal and one purpose.   This really is the Bible isn’t it?

16 Jun 2023 John (Program #42)

John (Program #42) – Life’s Prayer (1)

When the Spirit as the essence of the Word makes that written Word living, immediately we receive the dispensing of the Father’s life. And, in that life we can be one with all the believers in Christ Jesus.

Upon a first reading or a rather superficial reading of John 17, we may have the impression that the central point is the oneness of the believers. Although this point is crucial, it is neither the central point of the chapter, nor the subject of the Lord’s prayer in this chapter. The subject is clearly indicated in verse 1, where the Lord Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, … glorify Your Son that the Son may glorify you.” This sets the tone and reveals the subject of the Lord’s prayer. He is praying for His glorification so that in His glorification the Father would be glorified.

15 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #91)

Genesis (Program #91) – A Bird’s-Eye View of God’s Building in the Scriptures

We have a very interesting life study today, in a sense it is inserted into our life study of Genesis because it deals with much more than just Genesis.  It’s really going to be an overview of the entire divine revelation.   Why is this an appropriate point for such an overview?

This is a point at which Jacob is brought back again to Bethel.  We talked about Bethel and saw how he first encounter Bethel at that he put the stone down as a pillow and had a dream concerning the heavens open and the angels of God ascending and descending, then he woke up and said this is Bethel, the House of God.  Brother Lee calls that a major turning point in Genesis and in fact it is a major turning point in the whole Bible, because it brings us to God’s heart desire, that is Bethel, to have a house where He, Himself can dwell with mankind.

15 Jun 2023 John (Program #41)

John (Program #41) – The Work of the Spirit unto the Mingling of Divinity with Humanity (2)

You come into this chapter (John 17); it’s like stepping into a room where a Godly person is praying and you feel uneasy to interrupt Him. And, you certainly don’t want to come in to inject any thought of your own. So, there’s a holy atmosphere here, of the communication in the divine Trinity that only the Holy Spirit can make known to us.

I believe the prayer, in John 17, is very very significant, mainly because it comes at the end of a long message that the Lord Jesus gave to His disciples just before He went to the cross. Chapters 14, 15, and 16 give us the message that the Lord Jesus spoke on His way to be crucified. So, this of course is a very significant portion of the Word of God, particularly in the Gospel of John. And, after that long message, then He closes with this prayer. And, this prayer is so meaningful that unless you really pray it, or I should say, read it prayerfully, you will not know what its subject is.

14 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #90)
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Genesis (Program #90) – After Breaking

Today we look at Jacob on Genesis 33.   This message today concerning Jacob relies on understanding a little bit of his history.  What has Jacob gone through since the heavenly dream that he received in chapter 28?

Well, he arrived at uncle Laban’s house, he fell in love with Rachel, agreed to serve 7 years.   He put in the time.  He was cheated in the sense that he was given the older sister Leah as wife and had to labor another 7 years for Rachel.  He produces a number of children.  He acquired a number of flocks.  He’s quite blessed by God.  On one hand, Jacob was dealt with by Laban who cheated him and manipulated him.  On the other hand, Jacob being clever did his best to out-wit Laban.  He had a clever scheme of getting the best animals for himself.  But actually it was God’s sovereignty that blessed and enriched Jacob..

14 Jun 2023 John (Program #40)

John (Program #40) – The Work of the Spirit unto the Mingling of Divinity with Humanity (1)

Acts 13:33 tell us that on the day of resurrection, He was begotten by God. His humanity was actually born into divinity to make Him the first born Son of God.

These 3 chapters (John 14, 15, 16) are very rich and very meaningful because these 3 chapters are the contents of the Lord’s final message given in His earthly ministry before He went to the cross, was crucified, and then resurrected. In these 3 chapters, what we see s God’s heart’s desire and God’s eternal purpose.

13 Jun 2023 Genesis (Program #89)

Genesis (Program #89) – Being Broken

We have a very interesting story today.  But as always, there is much more here than just a story.  Jacob has had a all night wrestling match.  Witness Lee is going to give his own introduction today.  But briefly, the context of this story reveals that Jacob is very fearful of his brother, Esau, when God engages him.  Why was Jacob so fearful of his own brother?

13 Jun 2023 John (Program #39)

John (Program #39) – The Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensation (3)

Those who refuse Christ and who stay in Adam by so doing will remain one with Satan, and as a result will participate in the judgment reserved for God’s enemy.

In this chapter (John 15), the Lord speaks plainly, directly, and profoundly concerning the divine organism. And, He says, “I am the true vine, you are the branches.” So, here we have a corporate entity. The vine with its branches composed of Christ as the embodiment and manifestation of the triune God. And, all those who have believed into Christ by receiving Him into them. The Lord calls this the true vine, the real vine. What we have in this marvelous picture is God the Father embodied in Christ who is the stock of the vine. And, all the believers who have been added to Christ, to become parts of Christ, just as the branches of the vine are parts of the vine to be an organism. So, now we have on this earth the living, divine organism of Christ and His believers, the vine and the branches.
