Tag-Archive for ◊ magnified ◊

05 Sep 2023 Acts (Program #72)

Acts (Program #72) – A Concluding Word

From his prison cell in Rome, the Apostle Paul wrote stirring words to the saints in Philippi. “Even now, Christ will be magnified in my body whether through life or through death”, and then again, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain”. Was Paul speaking matters of doctrine and theology for our future study and contemplation, or was this the living reality of a genuine witness of Christ? Welcome to our final program of the life study of Acts, a program you will surely not want to miss.

16 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #10)

Psalms (Program #10) – What Kind of Man May Dwell with God for His Heart’s Desire and Good Pleasure?

In the gospel of Mark in chapter 8, there’s a marvelous account of the Lord Jesus healing a blind man. After laying hands on the man, the Lord asked him if he could see anything. The man responded by saying that he could see man, but as trees walking. Well, his sight was partially restored but not yet cleared. So the Lord touched his eyes again and this time the Bible says, ‘And he began to see all things clearly’. This is how we are in our spiritual seeing. We need the Lord’s continual touch and healing of our spiritual eyes, especially when we come to His word. Take a book like Psalms. It’s quite easy to see something on the surface, but do we see all things clearly? Do we see Christ unveiled, magnified and exalted? Lord be merciful to us all, touch our seeing again and again.
