Tag-Archive for ◊ Rome ◊

05 Sep 2023 Acts (Program #72)

Acts (Program #72) – A Concluding Word

From his prison cell in Rome, the Apostle Paul wrote stirring words to the saints in Philippi. “Even now, Christ will be magnified in my body whether through life or through death”, and then again, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain”. Was Paul speaking matters of doctrine and theology for our future study and contemplation, or was this the living reality of a genuine witness of Christ? Welcome to our final program of the life study of Acts, a program you will surely not want to miss.

04 Sep 2023 Acts (Program #71)

Acts (Program #71) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (37)

After an arduous and perilous voyage with threatening so extreme that they must have been attacks directed by Satan himself against God’s chosen witness. The Apostle Paul arrives at Rome amidst the warm and genuine greetings of the saints of God. Despite his continued imprisonment, Paul rejoiced in God’s sovereignty, the divine arrangement and entered into the most productive stage of his ministry. Stay tuned for a delightful and masterful unveiling of the riches of God’s word on today’s life study of the Bible.
