Tag-Archive for ◊ genuine ◊

07 Apr 2024 1 Corinthians (Program #39)

1 Corinthians (Program #39) – The Type of Israel

The Bible contains two histories. The history of Israel in the Old Testament and the history of the church in the New Testament. Actually these two histories are really one story. The history of Israel a type, a shadow while the church is the fulfillment, the reality.

In many of his writings the apostle Paul used the Old Testament as a book of types and pictures to help illustrate the New Testament economy that he was entrusted to preach.

In 1 Corinthians 5 he mentioned the Old Testament passover as our type of New Testament experience of redemption. In chapter 9 and 10 he again picks up the Old Testament to show us a pattern .

First, of our running the race that is our Christians life. Then as a picture of both aspects of our baptism by water and by the Spirit. And finally as a negative pattern regarding the possibility of the genuine, redeemed children of God could ultimately failed to overcome in their Christian life and missed the prize of the reward that is typified by the good land. This is a strong word, a word of warning, which we, like the Corinth believers should heed.

28 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #139)

Exodus (Program #139) – The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (9)

As Christians we all know that our salvation in Christ is presented throughout the pages of the New Testament.  The gospels show us the savior in His humanity and the epistles open up the content of God’s eternal plan and purpose.  So why then do we even need the Old Testament?  Is it just for the stories and lessons that we can learn by studying the inspirational lives of great men?  The answer must be an emphatically “No”.  For it is in the Old Testament that we can see  many details concerning Christ and our own experience of Christ that cannot be seen in the New Testament.  These details like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle when properly assembled present us the most complete picture of the riches of a genuine life in Christ.  Don’t miss today’s life study of the Bible.

05 Sep 2023 Acts (Program #72)

Acts (Program #72) – A Concluding Word

From his prison cell in Rome, the Apostle Paul wrote stirring words to the saints in Philippi. “Even now, Christ will be magnified in my body whether through life or through death”, and then again, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain”. Was Paul speaking matters of doctrine and theology for our future study and contemplation, or was this the living reality of a genuine witness of Christ? Welcome to our final program of the life study of Acts, a program you will surely not want to miss.

02 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #2)

Luke (Program #2) – Introduction, Subject and Contents of the Gospel (2)

The New Testament is the most marvelous book, tremendous composition yet it is mysterious and beyond our natural comprehension as well. One perplexity is that it gives us four different accounts of the life of Jesus. Why four different accounts of one history? Well that’s because each account highlights a different aspect or facet of this most wonderful and marvelous person in the universe, Jesus Christ. What facet do we see in the gospel of Luke? Well, Luke than more all of the rest of the books in the Bible shows us Jesus Christ as the full, complete, perfect and genuine man. A man unlike any other.

20 Feb 2023 Micah (Program #3)

Micah (Program #3) – The Greatness of the Prophets in Their Speaking Concerning Christ

Genuine lovers of God’s word have learned that the Old Testament reveals Christ in types and figures and in many places. In fact the Prophets of the Old Testament are particularly rich in the detailed aspects of Christ’s earthly and heavenly ministry revealed in their pages.

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, often what they wrote prophetically had both application to their own situations in their time, as well as a clear reference to the coming One, our dear Lord Jesus. Other passages seen uniquely focus on Christ.  Micah 5:2 is such a passage, “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, So little to be among the thousands of Judah, From you there will come forth to Me, He who is to be Ruler in Israel; And His goings forth are from ancient times, From the days of eternity.”

30 Nov 2021 Colossians (Program #21)

Colossians (Program #21) – Christ the Body of All Shadows and Christ versus Mysticism

Paul the Apostle is marvelous in his writing in the book of Colossians. He begins with a universal presentation of Christ, and not just Christ, but Christ in us the hope of glory. But then he turns and becomes very practical in leading us into the genuine experience of such a Christ. Listen to verses 16 and 17 in Chapter 2, “Let no one therefore judge you in eating and in drinking or in respect of a feast or of a new moon or of the Sabbath, which are a shadow of the things to come, but the body is of Christ”. Here, he begins to remove things like the law and angels and anything else that represents God to us in an indirect way. For God’s desire is that nothing stands between us and Him no matter how good or how religious it may seem.

28 Nov 2021 Colossians (Program #19)

Colossians (Program #19) – Made Full And Circumcised in Christ

In the second chapter of Colossians, the Apostle Paul was struggling to remove all barriers that stood between genuine believers and their full and proper enjoyment of Christ. Two major items that he labored to deliver them from were the worship of angels and the practice of asceticism. Why were these things so damaging to the Church in Colossae? We’ll look at these today.

10 Jun 2021 Galatians (Program #28)

Galatians (Program #28) – Crucifying the Flesh to Walk by the Spirit

To walk in Spirit is to live, move, even have our being according to the Spirit. In essence, it means we live as genuine sons of God, matching our Father in His life and nature. For this, we’ve been saved. And for this, we’ve been positioned in Christ. So what is it that keeps this wonderful sonship from being our day by day practical, real experience?   Don’t miss today’s very helpful and enlightening life study of the Bible.

28 Mar 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #9)

2 Corinthians (Program #9) – The Ministers of the New Covenant (2)

What should be the important criteria or qualities to be a genuine and proper minister of the gospel of the New Testament? We all might have our own ideas and thoughts about what are the most important qualities. But the Bible devotes several chapters to the subject in the book of 2 Corinthians and it’s there that we see several items that we likely would never have even considered.

First, the ministers must be those that are constituted with the life giving and transforming Spirit as chapter 3. This means that they are full of Christ and therefore able to minister this very Christ into people.

Second, as we will see today in chapter 4. They are those who conduct themselves in such a way that the glory of the gospel of Christ might shine through them and out from within them. In other words, their goal should not be just to preach the gospel, but to allow the gospel in its glory to be shined out through them for other to see. Oh, how we Christians today need such healthy, heavenly ministers.
