Blog Archives

04 Jan 2022 Exodus (Program #171)

Exodus (Program #171) – Moses Stay With God

After 40 days and 40 nights with God on Mount Sinai, Moses was instructed on how to begin building the tabernacle, God’s dwelling place with man.  But twice in Exodus chapter 24 and again in chapter 35 the Lord cautions even warns Moses and the people not to begin working for Him without first enjoying the Sabbath rest.  Is this just an oddity of the Old Testament dispensation or is this a real and meaningful exhortation for us, God’s New Testament believers?  We will explore the real Sabbath today.

03 Jan 2022 Exodus (Program #170)

Exodus (Program #170) – Moses Stay With God – Donkey, Lamb, Bringing the First Fruits to God, Not Boiling a Kid in Mother’s Milk

It has been marvelous, the reason is that we have seen Christ Himself in a wonderful way, unveiled for our experience for the carrying out of God’s economy.  When we see such a Christ in relation to our experience and God’s economy, the situation in our reading and study of the Word truly become wonderful.

Today we come to chapter 34.  This is a chapter where once again the Lord gives Moses the tablets containing the commandments.  But there are a couple of other matters that we need to look at.

01 Jan 2022 Exodus (Program #168)

Exodus (Program #168) – Moses Stay With God – Recovery of a Broken Covenant, Warning Concerning Idolatry, The Lord’s Promise

Most of us know the story of the great sin of Israel at Mount Sinai as Moses is coming down the mountain with the tablets containing the ten commandments.  The people get fully caught in idolatry even gross sin.  Moses reflecting God’s own indignation smashes the tablets containing the law, deal sternly with the people.  What follows this well-known account is very fascinating, yet it’s usually overlooked when the story is told.

30 May 2021 Galatians (Program #17)

Galatians (Program #17) – The Gospel Preached to Abraham

In the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 17 says, “For the law was given through Moses; grace and reality came through Jesus Christ.” How we as New Testament believers treasure the coming of grace and the Gospel of grace that appeared in Christ?  But, did you know that this same Gospel of faith and grace was preached to Abraham 100’s of years before Moses even received the commandments from God. Don’t miss this riveting message of faith and the promise of the Gospel on today’s life study of the Bible.

14 Apr 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #26)

2 Corinthians (Program #26) – The Ministry of the Spirit as the Life Supply, and of Righteousness as God’s Expression (1)

The Old Testament had one unique ministry beginning with Moses and his receiving and delivering to the children of Israel the law or commandments. The ministry of the law commands and continues until the coming of Christ. But the coming of Christ usher in another ministry, the ministry of the New Covenant. Actually these two are the only ministries spoken of in the Bible.

Acts chapter 1 makes it very clear that not withstanding the current situation, there is a reality of only one ministry. Listen to verse 17 and 25 of Acts chapter 1,

17 “For he was numbered among us and was allotted his portion of this ministry.
25 “To take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.”

The ministry of the New Covenant is a very great matter that we dare not take lightly, neither should we take it into our own hand to try to put it into practice.

26 Mar 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #7)

2 Corinthians (Program #7) – The Ministry of the New Covenant (3)

You probably remember the story of Moses coming down from Mt.Sinai after having been in God’s presence when he received the ten commandments. His face was shining so brightly that he had to put a veil over it before he can encounter the rest of the children of Israel. That shining was the outward reflection of God’s glory. A shining reflected off of Moses face. But as marvelous as that shining was in 2 Corinthians Paul calls it a fading glory. And rightly so, because in a very short time it was gone from Moses face. Actually this shining represents the glory of the Old Testament ministry. A ministry of as Paul called it “death and condemnation”. No wonder this glory fades.

But the New Testament ministry that Paul declares to us in 2 Corinthians is more in glory, an unfading, eternal, surpassing glory, that shines not just upon us but even out from within us, as the New Testament ministers.
