Tag-Archive for ◊ possessions ◊

24 Apr 2023 Luke (Program #55)

Luke (Program #55) – Jubilee (1)

When all is said and done, in the human life they are really only two basics items that we really have to be concerned with #1 our possessions, #2 ourselves. To become poor is to loose all of our possessions, and to become a slave is to loose ourselves. In Israel, in ancient times all the families were given a rich portion of the land but the foolish or the unfortunate ones might be forced to sell off their possessions in order to continue to provide food. But eventually, they may be forced even to sell themselves into slavery, if they would to continue to eat. Yet the Lord made a way for these suffering ones to be released from their captivity and to be released to return back to their portion of the land. This way was called the Jubilee. The Jubilee is an important part of the New Testament as well.

23 Jul 2022 Job (Program #1)

Job (Program #1) – An Introductory Word

Without question, one of the truly mysterious books of the entire Bible is the Old Testament book of Job. This Old Testament book tells a story of a righteous and godly man who seeks God’s upright ways diligently. And who, as the story begins seems to have God’s fullest blessing as a result – great possessions, wonderful prosperous family, immeasurable wealth and a person who has the respect and esteem of all who know him. But suddenly tragedy strikes this one and bit by bit his wealth, his possessions, even his family, his good name and eventually even his health are stripped away. Job’s friends are mystified, ask Job what has befallen as they engage in lengthy and eloquent debate all centered around one key question, what horrible sin or mistake must Job have committed to bring upon himself such judgment from the righteous God. Well this is the natural common typical understanding of this book and perhaps we’ve read it and pondered these same questions. And really the Bible is quite interesting as it does not give us a direct answer to this. But the real hidden, rich and wealth and meaning in this book will startle and surprise you as we prepare to open it up in these coming days on the life study of the Bible.

02 Mar 2022 Numbers (Program #12)

Numbers (Program #12) – Journeying (2-3)

Once God’s people were properly arranged according to their families and rated around the perimeter of the tabernacle, God’s presence overshadow them as a visible cloud.  His presence also filled the Ark of the Covenant within the tabernacle.  These two items provided guidance and leading to the children of Israel.  When the cloud was taken up, the people prepared to load up the tabernacle and their personal possessions to follow the cloud in a general way as their guide.  But it was the tiny Ark that became their particular leading, leading them through the treacherous wilderness and finding the appropriate resting places.  A forty-year journey under the guidance of the cloud and the leading of the Ark
