Tag-Archive for ◊ divine arrangement ◊

27 Sep 2023 Romans (Program #22)

Romans (Program #22) – Heirs of Glory (4)

Most Christians know and have quoted Romans 8:28 that God works all things together for good to those who love Him. Today we are going to find out what is that “good” that God is working for in every Christian’s life.

The value of Romans 8 is hard to overestimate in a Christian’s life.  It tells us in a practical way how we can experience the Spirit as the sanctifying Spirit – the Spirit of life in a practical way to make our mind life by setting our mind upon the spirit, to transform us in that life and even to bring that life into our mortal body.  more…

04 Sep 2023 Acts (Program #71)

Acts (Program #71) – The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (37)

After an arduous and perilous voyage with threatening so extreme that they must have been attacks directed by Satan himself against God’s chosen witness. The Apostle Paul arrives at Rome amidst the warm and genuine greetings of the saints of God. Despite his continued imprisonment, Paul rejoiced in God’s sovereignty, the divine arrangement and entered into the most productive stage of his ministry. Stay tuned for a delightful and masterful unveiling of the riches of God’s word on today’s life study of the Bible.

26 Aug 2022 Psalms (Program #20)

Psalms (Program #20) – The Psalmist’s Intensified Enjoyment of God in His House and City Through the Suffering, Exalted, and Reigning Christ (1)

The Old Testament book of Psalms includes 150 individual Psalm. Well, majority of these were written by David, others contributed to this wonderful portion of the Scripture.  Bible scholars throughout the centuries have realized that by virtue of how the Psalms are arranged, they are broken into five distinctive groups or books.  Book one of the Psalms for example include Psalms 1 through Psalms 41.   The second book begin with Psalms 42.  But what is critical to realize in this divine arrangement is that each successive book takes us to a higher spiritual plain than the previous one.  So that at the end of Psalms we are brought to the highest peak in the experience and enjoyment of God.
