Tag-Archive for ◊ experience of Christ ◊

28 Mar 2024 Exodus (Program #139)

Exodus (Program #139) – The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (9)

As Christians we all know that our salvation in Christ is presented throughout the pages of the New Testament.  The gospels show us the savior in His humanity and the epistles open up the content of God’s eternal plan and purpose.  So why then do we even need the Old Testament?  Is it just for the stories and lessons that we can learn by studying the inspirational lives of great men?  The answer must be an emphatically “No”.  For it is in the Old Testament that we can see  many details concerning Christ and our own experience of Christ that cannot be seen in the New Testament.  These details like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle when properly assembled present us the most complete picture of the riches of a genuine life in Christ.  Don’t miss today’s life study of the Bible.

24 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #106)

Exodus (Program #106) – The Altar of Burnt Offering (3)

Just like the law of life produces peaches, what doe the law of the divine life produce?  The law of the divine life produces the sons of God.

Perhaps no richer picture of the reality of the Christian life is present in Scripture than the type of the tabernacle.  This Old Testament structure reveals untold insights into the reality of our experience of Christ.

18 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #100)

Exodus (Program #100) – The Veil Within the Tabernacle (2)

The tabernacle was divided into two distinct segments or chambers; the Holy of Holies where God Himself resided and commune with His people.  The other chamber is the Holy Place, full of the things of God, even types of God, types of Christ, but not God Himself.  This is somewhat like our own walk, our own experience with the Lord Jesus.  Sometimes we are walking with the very person of Christ yet at other times we seems to be occupied just with spiritual things, with items but we are missing His living presence.

Today we conclude our fourth week of messages dealing with the tabernacle.   This has been a remarkable twenty programs because the types and pictures that we are seeing interpreted have been applied almost exclusively to our experience of Christ and not just teachings and doctrines.

17 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #99)

Exodus (Program #99) – The Veil Within the Tabernacle (1)

The tabernacle is a marvelous, vivid picture of the deepest experiences of Christ by His loving believers.  The time spent to see the meaning and significance of its aspects and details is well worthwhile and will be richly rewarded by a deeper love and appreciation for Christ and His incomparable word.

Today we are going to consider the veil that was located within the tabernacle as a separation between the two chambers, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.  This aspect of the tabernacle is really quite mysterious to most people.  Both chambers contain items that clearly represents Christ and our experience of Christ.

12 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #94)

Exodus (Program #94) – The Lampstand (3)

The types and pictures seen in Exodus have long been wonderful material for Bible study. Many of the deepest teachings and doctrines of the Christian faith can be seen theses types, but the real significance of these items may surprise you.  Stay with us today for a rich and enlightening life study of the Bible, as we continue to explore the book of Exodus in the light of our own Christian experience and not merely teaching and doctrine.

We mentioned our experience of Christ in the opening and how it related to the mysterious golden lampstand.  But not to alarm anyone, the experience of Christ that we are going to talk about really is not that mysterious.  It is actually the normal Christian experience.

06 Feb 2024 Exodus (Program #88)

Exodus (Program #88) – The Ark of the Testimony (5)

God has a longing.  This might sound quite strange to our ears, but nonetheless, it’s the case.  His longing is to interact even to fellowship with man.  But how can man, saturated with sins enter into a sweet fellowship with the righteous and holy God?  For this man needs a way and man needs a place.   The way and the place for man to contact God are the focus of today’s life study of the Bible.

In the center of the tabernacle, the Ark of the Testimony resided with the 3 very significant items inside that we’ve covered.  These items are good material for bible school and Sunday school lessons and we’ve seen much rich details related to these 3 items.  To see the cover, the propitiation cover is so tremendous in terms of helping us entering into a deeper and more consistent regular experience of Christ.  Why is this cover such a meaningful item for us to focus on?

24 Aug 2023 Acts (Program #60)

Acts (Program #60) -The Propagation in Asia Minor and Europe through the Ministry of Paul’s Company (26)

Have you ever been discouraged after speaking to someone about your own experience of Christ? The Apostle Paul in Acts chapter 22 presents the truth of his own conversion and God’s charge to him only to elicit a reaction so violent, so full of anger that he had to be rescued by an entire division of the Roman legion. This account is as enlightening as it is fascinating. Stay with us today for another remarkable life study of the Bible.

25 Oct 2022 Isaiah (Program #18)

Isaiah (Program #18) – Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (2 & 3)

The Bible in many places present Christ as a land to God’s people.  The Old Testament type of this good land is Israel.  But this land in the New Testament is our own experience of Christ.  God’s purpose for His people is not just to have the Bible and biblical knowledge but to experience and enjoy this Christ in an ever increasing measure.  Stay with us today as we pursue together the rich experience of Christ in the book of Isaiah on the life study of the Bible.

21 Oct 2022 Isaiah (Program #14)

Isaiah (Program #14) – Jehovah’s Destruction of the Nations to Bring in the Restoration for Israel

Isaiah is a book with many lovely passages revealing that Christ will come.  But it also is a book with chapter after chapter of God’s judgment in dealing with Israel’s fallen and low  condition.  To understand this book is to understand our own experience of Christ.  God’s dealing is what ushers in the wonderful experience of Christ.

18 Oct 2022 Isaiah (Program #11)

Isaiah (Program #11) – Jehovah’s Reaction to the Degradation of Israel (2)

God’s loving chastisement of His beloved ones is a common experience of all who love Him.  But our first tendency is to get out from under the severe and harsh circumstances as quickly as possible.  The message from Isaiah is that hastiness to escape may causes us to miss something deeper and richer in our experience of Christ.  Stay with us for the next half hour, as we learn to wait in the path of His judgment
