Blog Archives

27 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #11)

Genesis (Program #11) – God’s Restoration and Further Creation (6) – Ultimate Consummation

Our last program centered on Genesis 1:26 and two words were introduced and that we are going to come back to today; image and dominion.

This verse is so meaningful it may rightly be called one of the most important verses in the entire Scriptures, especially in the Old Testament. In this verse, we have a two-fold revelation of why we human beings were created by God. First we were created in God’s image to express Him. Second, we were given God’s authority, in deputy form to exercise dominion over His enemy that there will be a peaceful situation on the earth for the God of glory to express Himself. These are some of the riches embodied and implied in this marvelous verse, Genesis 1:26.

27 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #27)

Luke (Program #27) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (6)

Consider for a moment the religions of the world whether or not you agree with the various approaches in teachings, it’s fair to say that all religions begin of good intentions and noble ideals.  But inevitably, one common condition befalls all religions over time – hypocrisy.  The difference between those high ideals and teachings and the eventual practices and living of its adherence.  The one striking exception to this universal is the life and the living of the Lord Jesus Christ.  His living on earth was in stark contrast to the hypocrisy of the religion of that day and the reality of His divine life live out in His members remains in the same contrast today.  As we fellowship on chapter 12 of Luke and three warnings that we are going to get into today.

26 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #10)

Genesis (Program #10) – God’s Restoration and Further Creation (5) – Purpose

In our last broadcast Witness Lee discussed Genesis 1:26 concerning the creation of man, especially concerning how man is the center of God’s creation.

In God ‘s creation man is the center and the human life is the highest among all the created life….  when it came to creating man, it wasn’t just let it be, “Let there be man”.  No.  He didn’t say let there be man but He said “Let Us” make man.  A plural noun is used here.  Let us, One God but us…

26 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #26)

Luke (Program #26) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (5)

We are all familiar with the Lord’s prayer.  It is covered in both Matthew and Luke.  But it’s interesting that here in the gospel of Luke immediately following the Lord’s marvelous training of His disciples not just merely in how to pray but how to pray themselves into God, He find Himself in a conflict with demons and dealing with mass rejections.

25 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #9)

Genesis (Program #9) – God’s Restoration and Further Creation (4) – Purpose

Today we continue our study with the process of God’s restoration and further creation.

25 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #25)

Luke (Program #25) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (4)

In Luke 11, the disciples find the Lord Jesus praying to the Father. They take the opportunity to ask the Lord to teach them how to pray. No doubt thinking that if they receive the proper instruction then they would soon enter into a realm where they received answers to all their prayers. Well, we need to ask ourselves, what is it to pray? Is it just to make our needs and requests known to God and then wait in faith for Him to grant all of our requests? Well, we will get light today from the Gospel of Luke chapter 11 that we have likely never received. We come to this message from Luke on today’s life study of the Bible.

24 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #24)

Luke (Program #24) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (3)

There is a small village just outside of Jerusalem called Bethany. It was the home of two sisters named Martha and Mary, who not only loved the Lord Jesus deeply, but were compelled to serve Him as well. This should be the case for any true lovers of the Lord Jesus after we have experienced His undying love for us. We should not only love Him in return, but be filled with the heart’s desire to serve Him.

24 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #8)

Genesis (Program #8) – The Fourth-Day Lights (2)

Our last program open up the matter of the  two kinds of light that God brought forth in creation.   May be we can begin today with a short review of the significance of these two kinds of light.

It is a sad fact that great many genuine children of God grow minimally, if at all after their rebirth experience.  They may increase in knowledge, they may improve their behavior, but they may be far behind in the genuine increase of Christ as life within them.  One reason for this is the lack of what we may call following Brother Lee’s exposition of Genesis; the fourth day lights.  This is a more solid light a more intense light.  Whereas the light of the first day was the light for rebirth, the light of the fourth day is the light for growth.  To be regenerated we need the divine light.  If we are to grow in the divine life we received through regeneration, we need a brighter light, a more intense light a more solid light.  This kind of light is signified by the lights on the fourth day; the sun, the moon and the stars…

23 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #7)

Genesis (Program #7) – The Fourth-Day Lights (1)

In our last program we saw the progression of life in God’s creation; from the plant life to the aquatic life, and then to the animal life.  Today we are going further to see not only the progression of life but also the progression of light…

23 Mar 2023 Luke (Program #23)

Luke (Program #23) – The Ministry of the Man-Savior in His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes from Galilee to Jerusalem (2)

We all know the story of the good Samaritan. Here’s a man walking down the road and he’s beaten up and left for dead by robbers, while many righteous people pass by to take no account of his pitiful condition. Then at last, a Samaritan, one from a rejected place, comes by and cares for the beaten man. It’s a wonderful story with a valuable moral. But to really understand it, we must know the characters. Who, for example, is the beaten man? And, who is the good Samaritan? If you’ve always thought the moral of this story is for us to be kind to our neighbors, you may want to pay particular attention to our program today because we will see in this parable in another light.
