Blog Archives

20 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #4)

Genesis (Program #4) – God’s Restoration and Further Creation (1) – Process

We saw in our last program, that there is absolutely no conflict between Scripture and science when it comes to creation.  Today we want to come back to this amazing view of creation in Genesis that offers a scriptural reconcilliation of the scientific view of the age of the earth and what the Bible actually teaches.  But to fully understand this interpretation we need to see not only God’s creation in this passage, we also need to see Satan’s rebellion.

19 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #3)

Genesis (Program #3) – Satan’s Rebellion and Corruption

Today’s program focuses on just the first two verses of Genesis.  Listeners will be presented with the Biblical view of creation that will very likely surprise them.

18 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #2)

Genesis (Program #2) -The General Sketch and Central Thought (2)

The real focus of not only Genesis but the whole Bible is life.  It begins with life and ends with life.  The light that we received in this life study of Genesis will bring out all the seeds of the truth that is unfolded throughout the Bible.  Everything here is opening up that this is a book of life.  When we touch the Bible at any point, If we really touch the Lord Himself as life we will be very much nourished.

When we come to the Bible we have to realize that every book has been breathed out by God.  We have to say “Lord I want to touch You, as I read this book I want to contact You.”  I realize now that the book of Genesis is really also a book of life, not just a book of stories, not just of lives of man but the book of life itself, which is God Himself breath into this book and now when we breath Him in as we read this book we really get a supply of the divine life.

17 Mar 2023 Genesis (Program #1)

Genesis (Program #1) -The General Sketch and Central Thought (1)

Welcome to the life study of the book of Genesis.

This life study stands upon the shoulders of the great teachers and expositors throughout the century.  So it is a study.  However, this study is what we call a life study.  We surely are studying with our whole being exercised.  But the object of our study in particular is to grasp and to experience eventually the life elements in the Word of God.

The Bible is a book of life.  Every book is permeated with the element of life.  The life study has a particular objective.  That objective is not merely to garner more information, more doctrine from the Scriptures.  The object of this study is the Lord Himself reveal in the Word, Who is our life.

03 Feb 2023 Daniel (Program #17)

Daniel (Program #17) – The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (7)

The book of Daniel in the Old Testament covers a wide span.  If we have the proper understanding, Daniel shows us the entire Bible actually from Genesis to Revelation.  In fact, it could be said that without Daniel there is no way to understand the Bible as the single unique, divine revelation available to mankind.  We come to our final program today on this life study of Daniel…

14 Dec 2022 Jeremiah (Program #21)

Jeremiah (Program #21) – The Principle of Being One with God

Let me ask you, “What is sin?” As you ponder this great and universal question and before you begin enumerating any number of transgressions that would easily fall into the general category of sin, please consider that the Bible makes a clear distinction between “sin” and “sins”. Sins are the by products of the principle of sin. So, once again let me ask, “What is sin”? Well if we drop our own speculations and restrict our consideration to the clear revelation of the Bible, we realize that sin is fundamentally a matter of leaving God and doing something by ourselves and for ourselves. In other words, sin is to take anything other than God as our unique source. He desires to be the source of our life, of our living and even of our satisfaction. Any departure from taking Him as our source is sin and it will unavoidably result in innumerable sins. In that light, now let’s consider these verses from the very beginning of the Bible, Genesis 2:9, 16-17 “And out of the ground Jehovah God caused to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, as well as the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may eat freely … But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of it you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

12 Mar 2022 Hebrews (Program#17)

Hebrews (Program #17) – The Good Land for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose

The good land typified in the Old Testament is profoundly related to God’s eternal purpose to have a corporate expression. Hebrews 2:5 says, “For it was not to angels that He subjected the coming inhabited earth concerning which we speak.” Though we may long for heaven, it is the earth, the land, the good land that has occupied God from the ages for His purpose. We will see all this land typified in today’s life study of Bible.

Though we’re in the midst of the life study of Hebrews, today we’re going to touch many points that we first touched in the life study of Genesis for those that were with us at that time. What is the basis or the ground to draw upon the pictures that were presented in Genesis in order to help us with the book of Hebrews?

As we will soon see this particular message connects as the Bible does the matters of the land, Christ and God’s chosen people. In Genesis 1, we have these three matters either stated or implied. The land is obviously signified by the dry land that emerged from the dead waters on the third day. This dry land, the sphere for the living of the human beings created by God typifies Christ in resurrection. Significantly as Genesis 2:7 reveals, humankind was created from the dust of this land. more…

08 Jan 2022 Exodus (Program #175)

Exodus (Program #175) – The Erection of the Tabernacle – The Cloud, the Relationship Between Cloud and Glory, Comparison between Genesis and Exodus

In 1983, Witness Lee conclude his life study of Exodus.  It spanned nearly 4 years.  It includes 185 messages and nearly 2000 pages.   In the final paragraph of volume number 8, he wrote “I have the full assurance that those who have been with us throughout the years can never be the same.  Eternity will reveal what the Lord has been doing within us and among us for the fulfillment of His eternal purpose.  Praise Him for the glorious conclusion of the book of Exodus.”

14 Nov 2021 Colossians (Program #5)

Colossians (Program #5) – Christ-The Preeminent and All-Inclusive One, The Centrality and Universality Of God

God has often dealt with man through the promises that he has made to man. And these promises begin as early as Genesis chapter 3. But not until Genesis 12 did a promise of God include blessing or enjoyment for man. This promise of blessing to Abraham was altogether to do with the good land of Israel. But the Apostle Paul in the New Testament book of Galatians repeats that promise in the context of “blessing and enjoyment promise by God to us, His New Testament people”. So what does the land, so preeminent in Genesis, so preeminent in the Old Testament, have to do with us in the New Testament?

02 Jun 2021 Galatians (Program #20)

Galatians (Program #20) – The Seed of Abraham and the Sons of Abraham

In Genesis, God made a promise to Abraham. This promise is the greatest blessing spoken of in scripture. Yet, it was only intended for the seed that is the son of Abraham. Are we, the New Testament believers, therefore excluded from this rich blessing? Don’t miss today’s life study of the Bible.  A marvelous unfolding of one of the most hidden chapters in the entire Bible awaits us on our program today.
