Blog Archives

21 Dec 2021 Colossians (Program #42)

Colossians (Program #42) – One Position, One Life, One Living, One Destiny, and One Glory With Christ

On one hand, Christ is mysterious, He is at the same time sitting at the right hand of God in the heavenlies but also simultaneously dwelling in us. He’s also practical. He not only saves us eternally, but He wants to become our very living, that is to live Himself out in our everyday life. We’ve been treated to a marvelous view of Christ in the book of Colossians for many weeks now. And as we near the end of this memorable life-study, we want to come back to a few key passages to be nourished and enlightened once again.

11 Nov 2021 Colossians (Program #2)

Colossians (Program #2) – Introduction

Today’s life study is from the book of Colossians. The book revealing that Christ is everything to us, being profound and all-inclusive and is unveiled to us to a fuller extent  than any other book in the Bible.  We must not allow anything to replace Christ or to be a substitute for Him.

It has been said that the book of Colossians reveals or unveils Christ to a fuller extent than any other book in the Bible. The first 8 verses of Colossians serve as somewhat an introduction to the book. In this introduction, the apostle Paul seemed to be saying, ‘Dear Colossians, if you follow the Jewish observances or the Gentile ordinances you will not lay up anything for yourselves in the heavens as a hope – you need to live by Christ. One day, Christ who is our life will appear in glory’.

24 Oct 2021 Philippians (Program #43)

Philippians (Program #43) -Christ, Salvation, the Word of God and Life

Does God only want to save us from perdition? Or does He also want to save us moment by moment and day by day?  Salvation from eternal perdition is wonderful. But after we are saved eternally we need a daily practical salvation.  Stay with us for some practical fellowship today to help us in our Christian walk every day.

We are going to focus on the pattern that Christ set up for us and is described in Philippians by the apostle Paul.  more…

08 Jul 2021 Ephesians (Program #11)

Ephesians (Program #11) – The New Testament Believers to the Praise of God’s Glory

Three times in the first chapter of Ephesians, the apostle Paul uses an expression like “to the praise of His glory”. The first time in verse 6, the praise is offered by us – the believers – as the issue of our sonship. The second mention, however, in verse 12 also deals with our sonship but the praise is not offered by us but rather it is the angels even the creation itself that joins in praise to God because of what He has accomplished in us – His sons. Now, not just sons in name and position but sons of God in life and nature.

25 Jun 2021 Galatians (Program #43)

Galatians (Program #42) – Walk by the Spirit in the Enjoyment of Christ in our Spirit

To many people, the main item of the book of Romans is justification by faith and the main item in Galatians is to be free from the bondage of the law. Although both of these truths are present in these two books, the real goal and focus of both books is something else. For both Romans and Galatians reveal that God’s purpose or economy in justifying us and freeing us is for one thing – to make forgiven sinners into genuine sons of God in life.

22 Jun 2021 Galatians (Program #40)

Galatians (Program #40) – Walking by the Spirit as The Essence of our Life

The book of Galatians gives us a clear contrast; the wonderful person of Christ is contrasted with the harsh and demanding law of the Old Testament. Surely all of God’s saved ones love this Christ. But, why then in our living do we embrace the principle of living by law rather than living by this attractive, divine person who came to replace the law?  This is our focus as we look at walking by the Spirit to live Christ on today’s edition of life study of the Bible.

10 Jun 2021 Galatians (Program #28)

Galatians (Program #28) – Crucifying the Flesh to Walk by the Spirit

To walk in Spirit is to live, move, even have our being according to the Spirit. In essence, it means we live as genuine sons of God, matching our Father in His life and nature. For this, we’ve been saved. And for this, we’ve been positioned in Christ. So what is it that keeps this wonderful sonship from being our day by day practical, real experience?   Don’t miss today’s very helpful and enlightening life study of the Bible.

23 May 2021 Galatians (Program #10)

Galatians (Program #10) – No Longer I, but Christ Living in Me

We have come to an extreme crucial verse in the New Testament economy. Today we’re on Galatians 2:20:

“I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.”

This is a mysterious verse to be sure, but one that contains crucial revelation of what it means to live the Christian life. Some people have used the expression “an exchanged life” to help describe the truth that’s being conveyed here. Is this a valid way of looking at it?

No. It’s not a valid way, even though some of us at one point considered using this expression. The reason I say it’s not valid is because it doesn’t apply to the whole verse…

07 May 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #49)

2 Corinthians (Program #49) – Paul’s Vindication of His Apostolic Authority (4)

Remember back to the very first problem that affected mankind in the Bible.  It was the serpent tempting the woman to eat of the tree of knowledge instead of the tree of life.  Now consider Paul’s word to the Corinthians addressing the impact that those claimed to be apostles upon them as they minister different Jesus to the believers in Corinth.  Chapter 11 of 2 Corinthians verse 3, “But I fear lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your thoughts would be corrupted from the simplicity and the purity toward Christ.” Paul’s fear was that the teachings of the so called apostles would have the same result as the serpent’s deception in Genesis 3, to distract the believers away from the enjoyment of Christ’s life and bring them to another tree, a tree that leads to death.

09 Apr 2021 2 Corinthians (Program #21)

2 Corinthians (Program #21) – Shining the Glory of the New Covenant (2)

Two items are marvelously connected in 2 Corinthians that you may have never noticed or linked before. These two things are the New Covenant and the shining of the glory of Christ.

The Old Covenant was a Covenant of law and of letters with the affect of bringing us into spiritual death. The New Covenant on the other hand has everything to do with the Spirit and life. And to be brought into the reality of the New Covenant is to be brought into the glory of the face of Jesus Christ.
